Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wall Street Journal: China, Google and the Cloud Wars

What does Google know about you? What does the Chinese government know about you?

Now you know a less-spoken reason why Google has gone to the mattresses over Chinese hacking. Always in the cards, since the birth of the Web, was the possibility that some great Internet business—a Yahoo or Google or Amazon or Facebook—would be destroyed overnight by a cataclysmic loss of trust in its protection of consumer data.

We haven't seen this phenomenon yet, but it has seemed almost inevitable that sooner or later we will.

This all sounds really ominous. But so what? Gloom and doom will just have to wait while we nitpick. In this instance, the nit we are picking is "reason why." What does a reason do? It tells you why. So knowing "a less-spoken reason Google has gone to the mattresses" (mattresses?) serves our needs just fine.

You may now return to your previously scheduled gloom and doom.


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